So the egg pick up went reasonably well. I was much more awake and alert this time, could even see the screen and see the needle go into the follies and pierce them so that was pretty weird. I got my 3 eggs, so it was nice to know that my three big follies all contained an egg, now just to hope that they were good ones. They got my IV in first go this time which was much better than last times 5 attempts, it was in a very painful position but at least it was only one go.
I was in less pain this time round, both last night and today, but had terrible nausea last night. Am happy that pain is less so I can be a bit more social, especially as it is Shannon's birthday today. My hubby is 31. Hopefully good news will top the day soon :)
Not much else to say right now, as you can probably tell I am completely fixated on the phone ringing and finding out the news, so will go until there is more to report
Hey mate
I got your sms but im out of credit.. Thats great that theres one sticking in there for you guys.... My IV always takes heaps of attempts to get in too. Then they usually just take a guess and hope they get a vein. LOL..
Fingers crossed for this little embie to be THE ONE.......
Happy bday to your man too.....
Keep my updated
Sandy, good luck for transfer tomorrow, and im sure you are sick of hearing there cliches, as i am.... but it only takes one.
We can compare out symptoms in the 2WW.
Take care and im looking forward to reading a update on your embryo.
Cas Cas
I'm really hoping. All the best Sandy.
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