Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back home

Sorry for the sparce updates over the past few days, has been pretty hectic! So yes we are back home in Weipa, arrived home late last night and boy it was wonderful to be back in my own bed after 3 weeks.

So fertilisation. I had the 3 eggs, the scientist said that one was abnormal, so that only left the two and of the two only one fertilised again. Obviously I am happy to have the one but still feeling slightly ripped off to have gone through the whole process and to only have the one chance, but yes I know, it only takes one!

So after that news on Tuesday, we set out to enjoy Shannons birthday, we met a friend who was over fro London for lunch which was nice. Then in the afternoon I managed to get into see an acupuncturist. He actually specialises in IVF and fertility clients, so was a good find. It was a very interesting consult to say the least! He felt my pulses and was amazingly accururate in describing me including physical ailments etc. He said that he doesn't believe in "early menopause"tag, just that I am going through a period of time where my hormones are not good basically. He said that if this cycle doesn't work that I should have a few months break. I agree. I need to lose some weight, exercise more, eat better etc and also give some attention to my emotional health. He said after feeling my pulses that I was also "Sad" as soon as he said this I felt tears well up, so I guess he was right. He said that really I need longer treatment but that he would do his best in 2 treatments. So on the tuesday I was there for over an hour. It was actually quite painful, which he said was because my hormones are low etc.

After the acupuncture, we met friends for dinner and then a movie. I had actually been physically feeling quite good all day Tuesday, much better than last time day after egg pick up. But during dinner I started getting cramps and bloating and feeling quite yuck.

On wednesday it was transfer day, I felt surprisingly calm (maybe the acupuncture?) and I was confident my emby would look good for transfer. And it did! Last time it was only a 3 cell (they said this was fine) but this time round at pretty much the exact same timing it was a perfect 4 cell. The procedure was super easy and no apin at all, very different to last time again :)

Shannon and I then toddled off back to the acupuncturist and he did more treatment (about 45 minutes) he said he woul dhave liked to have seen my a few more times during the 2 week wait, but as we were flying back home, not possible. So he put some lovelt little needles in my ears with tape. I was a bit worried about them! They hurt giong in but am used to then now, I am to leave them in for 5 days.

We then jumped in the car back up to sisters, stayed the night, got up thursday morning, drove the 4 hours back to sydney and flew back to Cairns.

On Friday morning I had a job interview for when we move to Cairns and we spent the day driving around looking at areas, working out travel times etc and last night we flew home!

Have a hens party tonight, honestly, not sure if I will go, one thing that is different to last time is this extreme fatigue, maybe the acupuncture?

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