Friday, October 31, 2008

I haven't been very cheery, have I?

I was reading back on some of my posts and gee I don't sound very appreciative do I? I was thinking about it this morning.. Yes the pain is getting me down, yes I hate all these investigations and stress I have to go through.. But wow this is so worth every minute of it!

I honestly feel so so blessed to have this opportunity again and am simply over the moon that so far our little man is looking great. I am so happy for Shannon that he is getting a son, I love feeling his movements and seing my belly do a little dance, I can't wait to hold him in my arms. I can't wait for Laci to meet her brother.

Don't get me wrong I am scared that this is all too good to be true, but I try my best to push it away and enjoy the moment. I will never get to experience pregnancy again, feel the kicks and wonder just what our little blessing will be like.

When I look back at what I have been through to have my family, I don't feel ripped off, I don't feel angry, I feel so so lucky. So lucky that with my crappy body and my crappy obstetric history that I am going to be lucky enough to have two beautiful children to raise and a brave little fighter looking over us.

In my depths of grief after Piper died, I never dreamed things coud turn out like this. This truly is so so wonderful and I couldn't ask for more.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chilling out

Today I am home doing my 24 hour urine, so much fun. NOT :) Have decided to chill out about the whole pre eclampsia thing until I get the results back from that. Hopefully that will be on Friday, if not Monday. The urine dip tests they do are only an indicator, my protein level could be alot higher or lower, it is the 24 hour test that gives the true results. So I have decided no 'over-thinking' until then!

Only 2 more sleeps until Shannon has no more overnight work trips for 4 months! YAY bring it on! I want my hubby home!

I had one of the best sleeps last night that I have had in ages. I still woke every 2-3 hours with some pain and needing to pee but fell straight back to sleep. Ah so nice!

Pain is managable today..

Just had another long chat on the phone with the daycare manager about Laci. We have consented to involving an outside agency to try and help them with managing her behaviour. They will involve us too. Hoping hoping that most of it is simply a reaction to Shannon being away and my inability to do much and with Shannon back things improve! Daycare thinks part of the problem is that she is 'advanced' or 'extra bright' lol so not sure what we can do about that lol.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And so it begins..

Today at my ob appointment my urine showed one plus of protein :( My first sign that pre eclampsia is on its way again :(

Doing a 24 hour urine collection starting tomorrow to find out exactly what level it is at.

Ultrasound showed good fluid level and blood flow to bub and my BP is still stable in normal meds.

Guess I probably won't be making it that fantasy of 36-37 weeks, but hopefully still a few weeks in me yet.

Feeling bummed :(

Monday, October 27, 2008

27 weeks today

That's right I am 27 weeks today :) Shannon away this week till Friday night then thats it for his trips for work for the year! Dad is here until Monday next week.

Having some serious behaviour issues with Laci at the moment.. Won't go into it just now, but lets just say its full on! Daycare is even having issues coping and is bringing in an outside agency for some advice!

I also wanted to thank those readers out there who are reading this blog and taking the time to comment too :) It feels good to know I am not completely talking/whinging to myself lol :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A pic

So I am 27 weeks tomorrow, time for the fortnightly belly shot :) Its growing! :)

Feeling down in the dumps about my pain and mobility but so far today is a good day! Just had a lovely float around in the pool, hence the photo with the wild pool hair blowing in the wind on the balcony hee hee

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quick update and scan pic

Very quick update as am exhausted after very long scan and ob appointment.

Griffin is looking perfect and so so cute! He continues right on the 50th centile with todays estimated weight of 934 grams. Fluid fine, blood flow perfect. Here is a pic!

The other news as to why my pain has been different! (more one sided and sharper) Seems on top of my pelvis issue I now also have an Left inguinal hernia! Have been referred to surgeon but ob said very likely nothing will be done until after bub and hopefully it will go after bub otherwise surgery will be needed :( It won't get better during pregnancy though, so I am stuck with this pain..

More updates on other chit chat later :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

26 weeks today and a whinge post

So happy to be 26 weeks today. Today marks 10 weeks at the max till our boy arrives. I can't believe I had Piper at 26.3 weeks.

So the whinge..

Okay brief version..

My pelvis is well and truly crap. I am in so much pain, I can hardly walk, I shuffle. I am having to take panadeine regularly for the pain. I am crying out in the night in pain as I try to move. Getting up to the toilet is so hard as I try to grip onto the window sill etc.. You get the idea.

So this morning I rang up to see about hiring one of those wheely granny walkers, to help me have something to hold on to when get off lounge and bed and walk (shuffle) around the house, it has actually worked out cheaper to get one new off ebay so thats what I am doing.

Is good having dad here helping out thats for sure.

Shannon leaves again tomorrow morning until friday night. Tomorrow morning I also have growth scan and ob appointment so will update after that. Shannon wants me to talk to my ob about hospital admission down the track, I think it is going to come to that before I know it :( Even though I am booked into the public hospital to have bub, am hoping she will agree that if I have to go in because of pelvis that I can go to the private hospital.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dad has arrived

We were up late chatting away. Going to be good tohave the company for the next 3 weeks :)

Lots of pain today, I keep thinking, maximum just over 10 weeks to go! Woohoo!

Monday, October 13, 2008

We have a face!

Hee hee, today at the scan we got to see Griffin's face. Here is the only pic I got, not great as it is face on though. Today was just checking dopplers (blood flow) and AFI (fluid level) both are perfect :)

Not too much else to report from OB. My BP medication is now back to my usual non pregnant dose which is fine by me as was creeping up a little. Still no protein in urine. Also on ranitadine now for my almost constant heartburn/reflux. Ob thinks the asprin and iron amongst all my other meds is probably aggravating it. Hopefully some relief soon.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Latest belly shot

I feel like it has really grown in the past 2 weeks.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Same ole, Same ole

Nothing to report so I guess thats prob a good thing :)

Pelvis is crap crap crap, in constant pain, stairs are agony. Having to seriously limit outings. Thankfully dad arrives on Tuesday for 3 weeks so he will take Laci to daycare on the days she goes. Then I have a lady who lives here in our complex (she also cleans my house once a week) who can prob take her one way after that.

BP fine, and otherwise slowly getting bigger.

Shannon away for work last night and not back till late tonight, does make the day seem longer..

Monday, October 6, 2008

24 weeks!

YAY 24 weeks pregnant today.

Not much to report except today was the first day that I had serious trouble getting down the two flights of stairs to take Laci to daycare :( I have had problems coming up for weeks, my legs feel weak and pain etc but going down has been slow but if I hold the railing not too bad. But today! Oh dear my pelvis really is getting worse, every step was agony :(

I off course want the pregnancy to go as long as possible, but I am not going to miss this I tell ya!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Okay so bloods were fine. 24 hour protein showed 280 of protein, they like it to be under 300 when pregnant so she is happy with that. At this stage with Laci is was 531. So far so good..

Swab for group B strep showed Group G strep lol. Nothing too sinister but treating me with antibiotics just to be 'extra cautious' in Ob's words.

So next week will be my last week of no OB appointment, then the weekly visits/scans begin.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I need to get enthused

Some days really drag.. Today is one of them. I am feeling unmotivated to do any of the craft work I have. I am in too much pain to go out and don't wanna spend $ anyhow. The days are starting to feel very long.

Hopefully when dad arrives on the 14th for 3 weeks that will help me feel not so blergh. Though am definately not looking forward to Shannon being away.

Got blood results today from earlier in week, ob says all good. Now just waiting for the 24 hour urine result which should be in tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ok, so the plan..

So , this morning I put my 24 hour urine collection into pathology. So as long as that result is okay and the bloods I had taken on Monday are okay (I get the results on Friday) then my next ob appointment is not until 25 weeks (1.5 weeks away) This appointment will be general check up and an ultrasound to check dopplers (blood flow to baby) and AFI (amniotic fluid level) then it will be onto weekly appointments at the minimum with all the usual stuff but also with ultrasounds as follows.

26 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI
27 weeks, dopplers and AFI
28 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI
29 weeks, dopplers and AFI
30 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI
31 weeks, dopplers and AFI
32 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI

then we'll see if I get to 'after that' I guess :)

It was at the growth scan 29-31 weeks with Laci that her growth issues became a concern.. So we will see what is to come..

The other news is that Shannon has been stressing about the amount of work trips he still has to achieve this year. So we made the decision that it is best for him to jam the trips all into just over 3 weeks (still home on weekends) and my dad is coming up to stay with me. This will be from 25-28 weeks. This will reduce everyones stress considerably and Laci just loves her Poppy and can't wait to see him!

Then this will be it for Shannon's travel for the year, he starts 9 weeks leave as at 12th December (I will be just under 34 weeks) unless he needs to stop earlier.