Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All good

Well the hunger has already changed into the 'all day' nausea. I just find it amazing, my body, how I get the nausea so early on.. Ah well, thats life I guess, all worth it in the end.

I just got my blood results back from 14 days post epu or days post ovulation and they were very nice! 150

That is higher than I have had for any of my pregnancies, so am pretty pleased (okay thats an understatement lol) YAHOOO!!


Anonymous said...

That's terrific news Sandy. Sucks that you just have the one GP available.

Anonymous said...

Great news Sandy. I can hear the relief in your words.

cas said...

Congratulations on the high HCG numbers.... roll on Scan.

Good luck sweety, thinking of you.

Cas Cas

Anonymous said...

Oh what a lovely number! Congratulations. I can't wait for scan day!!

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

I've been away for a week Sandy, so I had no idea about this. Congratulations. I'm thrilled, and everything is crossed!