Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm back!

Had lost the desire to blog for quite some time, almost a year now! I have decided that I will blog again as there is so much going on again for me. (see side bar date thingy for my 2009 major update).

Its currently almost midnight, I have taken numerous prescription pain and sleeping drugs but insomnia and pain are still haunting me, am going back to bed in a minute to try again..

Will pop in tomorrow and give you all a run down if anyone out there is interested in reading my blog again?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sister gone home :(

My sister was here for a week, was great! I cried most of the way home from the airport :(

Griffin doing well, mainly feeding 3rd hourly with still every 3 days or so having a 2hourly stint. I have been pretty tired but aminly due to late nights as my cousin and hubby and 4 teenage kids have also been up here for a week (they go home tomorrow).

Last weigh in almost a week ago and Griffin was 2930 so he is prob over 3kg now. He loves loves his booby milk and is not happy unless stuffed silly!

Here are a couple of photos from sisters visit.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Okay apologies for being missing in action these last few weeks, promise to update more now that things are settling down a little.

Basically the biggest things happening for us at the moment is settling in with Griffin at home and also employment issues for Shannon, that and starting from in 2 days time we are pretty much going to have constant visitors until late Feb!

Griffin is doing well, gaining weight well and is now 2.7kg or just 6 pound. He feeds well. Sleeping in the other hand.,.. hmm I would say mostly good..but it started as every second day and has now become most days when he has an unsettled period when he just won't settle :( It vaires from 3 hours up to yesterdays record of 7 hours! You can imagine by this stage he is completely beside himself. We do all the usual settling things, but it just gets to a point where nothing works. Thankfully Shannon is on leave until mid Feb so the stress is halved and with him being a trained early childhood nurse, he stays pretty chilled. Just hope it gets sorted by the time he goes back to work or I won't be so chilled!

Hmm Shannon's work, very very brief version is that he has to find another job (Cairns or Townsville preferred) by mid feb or we have to move back to Weipa :( After 4.5 years there and a total of 7 years remote, we really don't want to do that.

Visitors, well first it is my sister for a week. YAY :)

OKay better go, time to cuddle the boy

Promise to update more soon!

Oh and here is two pics form a few days ago.