Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some hope

So it seems my left ovary is really not good at cooperating! Today at the scan the right ovary still shoping one nice follie and then when she went to find the left, talk about a mission! It has never been easy and now I wonder whether the others just gave up too easily. After lots of pushing on the outside, lots and lots of discomfort etc, my left ovary was found with 2 follies on it! And nice sizes too!So yes I have 3 follies, just the same as last time, but instead of all being on the right, I have one on right and two on left.

Have another scan and bloods on friday and then egg pick up date will be set (hopefully!) keep growing little follies. Pick up looks looks like being monday or tuesday at this stage.Praying for one nice one to transfer again, given up hope of frosties.

Wow what a long day today was, but am super happy to have Shannon here with us now. Not sure how we are going to work next week in Sydney for the procedures, no where to stay with Laci and my sister is working on monday up here (3.5 hrs north of sydney).. It will work out some how.


Being Me said...

Hooray to the lefty! Funny, my left was hardest too (tucked behind .. was it my bladder? can't remember).

I really hope that those follies are harbouring your best eggs yet, Sandy. Continued positive thoughts and loads of hope coming your way.


cas said...

Oh Sandy, lets hope you get a nice embryo to transfer, good luck.

Cas Cas