Monday, September 15, 2008

What a day, I'm exhausted!

Well the appointment went pretty well, ob is happy with the way that things are at the moment. We had a good chat about how I'm feeling etc which was good. I think now that I am getting closer to the stages where things went wrong with Piper, it is playing on my mind.. I did say to the ob though that I am starting to believe I will probably get to 30 weeks now, just how much further than that remains to be seen. She agreed that it is looking promising so far, but obviously no gaurantees and alot could happen between now and then.

So next appointment is in 2 weeks at 23 weeks. It will be a pretty big appointment. I will have more bloods just to check on things (oh and I also started on extra iron now as haemoglobin is low) and also will do a 24 hour urine, I am a little anxious about this as this was one of the main issues that Laci had to come early and it starting showing preotein from very early, so I won't be able to help but compare. I am also having my repeat scan to hopefully see bubs face for final morphoology checks and also hopefully get a 3d pic. Also will be checking on placenta position again and also growth for bub. Will be good to have some results to hopefully reassure me.


after the appointment I had to pick up Shannon so he could drop his scooter off for a service and he was dropping me home and taking car back to work. We decided to stop for a quick macca's lunch and well okay, that didn't go as planned..

Brief version... supposedly I 'pushed in' in the 'line' when I say line, we were the only ones waiting until 10 seconds before we were served.. So the woman who thought she should be next then proceeded to abuse me. It went on and on.. I couldn't believe it, there were choice words coming out of her mouth I tell ya! And a few personal jabs. I don't deal with confrontation at the best of times so my reaction was minimal, I think I was just stunned that you could seriously lose it over something so trivial..

Now the interesting response from yours truly.. I then say down and starting to sob, I mean really sob and cry. It felt like my whole world was crashing, for a moment I thought, 'so now I can't even venture out of the house!' I just felt so fragile :( I couldn't eat because all I could do was sob and sob. Poor Shannon didn't know what to do, this is so not the way I usually react. I am not a cryer! Eventually I ate a little and we left..

I then had a lovely friend pop over for a 1.5 hours visit which we had previously planned which was really good. But I just feel exhausted now. All that emotion, coming out of nowhere. Guess there is more going on for me than I realised or had let myself acknowledge :(

1 comment:

Being Me said...

I was reading something last night that reminded me... people who greatly challenge us are actually our biggest teachers.

It's interesting and poignant that this random woman delivered you the realisation you've reached by yourself (in your final para), I think from the outside looking in I can guess perhaps Mummy needs to mother herself a little bit more? And not feel guilty or unworthy for doing so?

xox I'm sorry your simple outing was turned into crud, mate. Hope you are feeling much more on top of it all today :)