Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our day at the hospital with Laci

Well yesterday was not the day we thought it would be! To explain better I need to go back to Friday last week first..

So on Friday night, Shannon was away for work and not due home till prob 9pm. Laci does tend to play up a bit more when he is away. She is really getting into the story telling and basically well...lies. So that may help explain why the following occurred.

So Laci was in bed for the night on friday, she had been in there for about 15 minutes, so not asleep yet. The phone rang, it was a friend of mine. As soon as I started talking, Laci toddles out, asking who it is etc. She doesn't like the idea of me talking on the phone at all when it is just me at home, boy do we get some performances.. So anyhow I tell her to go back to bed.. A few minutes later, she is out again, "i want..." etc again tell her to go back to bed. A good few minutes pass and I am about to get of the phone and she comes out and says "I put something up my nose" So I tell friend I better go..

I go into her room, now remember she has never done anything like this before. And I say what have you put up your nose? she replies "I don't know". She says it is in her right nostril but refuses to say what it is. I see an plastic princess' crown she got from a party on her bed, crappy piece of plastic that I did notice a few weeks ago had a broken section. I ask "is it a piece from the crown?" she replies "yes" very quickly.. a little too quickly, so much so that I think she is probably just grabbing at my suggestion.

I tell her to lay down and I look up said nostril I see and feel nothing. I say are you sure there is something up there? She says yes, I go get tweezers. She asks what are they for? I tell her to get it out, she asks will it hurt? I say yes it might, I try once or twice, can feel nothing. She then says "mummy stop! there isn't anything up my nose".

I am a little stunned. I then clarify this. "Is there or isn't there something up your nose?" "No there isn't" she replies. I say "so you just lied to me?" she responds 'yes' so I said thats makes me very cranky, goodnight and that is it.

I figure if there truly is something I am sure she will tell me in the morning. I tell Shannon the version of events and he also can't believe the story that she seemed to just make up for attention, but we leave it. She has swimming lessons next morning, no complaints. Nothing mentioned again.

Fast forward to Wednesday morning, so this is now 4.5 days since. When she wakes up I see a red right nostril and it is oozing!!

Shannon sits down with her and asks is there something up your nose? She says yes, again won't say what it is. I figure it must be the piece of plastic crown.

So off to the gp, gp can see something white, but too hard to reach, she tries to no avail. So off to emergency dept. They try with suction (very traumatic) and loops and tweezers. No luck.... So then they say they have to sedate her. We go into the recus room where they inject her with ketamine, she is breathing but totally out of it. They put in a IV and proceed to try and get it out.. no luck! It ends up getting ushed further up.

So then we had to be with her as she came out of that, its not nice! Tongue thrusting, twitching, lip smacking etc.. She is slurry for a while then back to usual self but not at all impressed about iv in her arm.

So then we get seen by the ENT specialist who says we have to go to theatre under a general anaesthetic. It is at about this point that Shannon was no longer coping too well.

So we waited about 2 hours then off to theatre. I went in with her as she went under, again a highly non pleasant experience as she fought and screamed when the gas went on.

A very quick procedure, quite a bit of blood and all over. Within 25 minutes we were in recovery with her and she was happy and talking with the nurses.

So the foreign body? Yes a piece or silver plastic crown, wrapped in white fluff?? When the nurse said white fluff, I looked at Laci, she said "oh that is the bit of band aide I stuck up there the other day cause it was sore" god I was chuckling inside!

And there concluded the day. We got home just before 4pm after leaving the house at 8am. She watched a little cartoons, had a shower, dinner and bed. Had a great sleep and woke to her usual bubbly self this morning. Only complaint was thast arm was a bit sore from the injection of ketamine.

I was a little tired of telling the story you can imagine, cause here I was knowing exactly how long it had been up there! So you can imagaine the assumptions!

Ah kids! Never thought my little girls first theatre experience would be from something jammed up her nose. She was such a good girl all day though, no complaints, just took it in her stride, but am pretty sure (please please) that is has scared her off shoving anything else up there!


Unknown said...

oh my god sandy, i can't believe it. you poor thing and poor laci, hope yous are all okay now.

Anonymous said...

Why do they put things up their nose? My youngest daughter put a bead up hers. Fortunately they could just reach it with the tweezers at the hospital. Fortunately I think she has learned her lesson. I hope Laci has too.


Anonymous said...

Oh Sandy! Poor little Laci! Hope she is better now. This will be one of those great stories you will spend many years laughing over. I'm sure it will be retold at her 21st :-)

Ruth said...

Hi Sandy. Stumbled here off EB. Congrats on your pg. Wishing you many more weeks :-) What is it with kids and noses!!!! Sorry to hear that it turned into a bit of an ordeal. I did laugh though at the band-aid though. She wont live that down in a hurry!