Friday, November 7, 2008

Off to hospital

second update for the day. Ended up ringing my ob's office as my bp also up, which I am sure if prob just from pain and exhaustion. Spoke to the wonderful midwife, she spoke to ob and called me back.

I am being admitted today after lunch. They will do a CTG to check on bubs, full bloods and start another 24 hour urine. My ob will come in after 5pm to see what we can discuss about pain relief etc.

Hoping my stay won't be too long, but glad to be aprivate patient this time so they said I should get my own room.

We have ordered mobile internet from dodo to use on laptop, but hasn't arrived yet so will offline for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. You poor thing!!! Hope they are able to give you some comfort and relief from the pain in hospital. What is you ph number in hospital? Do you feel up for chats?