Saturday, November 15, 2008

It'e nearing the end

Just saw my obstetrician, hmm

We have moved forward the 24 hour urine, starting now after this mornings dip showed 1+ protein again. My ob will review result monday morning and if has risen above a certain number that's it, eviction at exactly 30 weeks! (prefer not to discuss numbers). Oh and we don't think it will take much for it to have risen over that number based on my last result.

Also doing more blood tests today.

Medication increased for bp again today, as continues to rise :(

I am also looking pretty attractive with the puffiness now!

So the basics..

If urine and/or bloods not good, we will know monday morning that he is coming out on monday evening.

If urine and bloods hanging in there and bp hanging in there will wait till scan on tuesday arvo and decide then.

Feeling ok.. I think

1 comment:

Simpsonslover said...

Oh Sandy, love. Am thinking of you and your family. Good luck for the bt results and I have everything crossed that you avoid the scan til Tues xxxx Kirrily