Monday, November 10, 2008

29 weeks today!

Woohoo, only one week until my next goal and only 3 weeks till my final goal, have decided anything over 32 weeks is a bonus.

Am still in hospital, so happy that Shannon managed to set me up on laptop. Not finding boredom an issue at all I have to tell you! Between some serious resting and the internet and making my christmas decorations and the little chats with nurses, time doesn't seem to be dragging too badly.

I think it certainly helps that my pain is less is helping the way I feel about things.

Sleep is improved, certainly not great by anyones terms but am managing 3-5 hours of unbroken sleep and some dozing.

So the other issues, my usual ones lol. My blood pressure. It is definately not being co operative. My medication is being increased today. I am now on higher dose than when I was pregnant with Laci :( It will take 24-48 hours to see if this has the desired effect.

BUT Protein on my 24 hour collection is ok. So thats a bonus! The difficult part that my ob is concerned about is that every pregnancy is different and even though I don't have the protein like I did with Laci there is still a very high likelyhood that things will go pear shaped in the near future. Just which order they go in is yet to be seen.

She has asked us to consider the steroids for bubs lungs, at this stage we have declined because of the all the research we have done ourselves and the high risk ob that we have discussed this with at length in the past. The basics are that once you have the steroids they are only effective for a week. So if you don't deliver in that week but still go early they repeat the course. Problem being no one knows how effective this repeated dose is. So we would really prefer to wait until things look immenent before we do it, problem is, it is still a bit of a guessing game. The other concern is that steroids can affect bubs growth and with our history with growth issues anyhow, this is another thing we would prefer to hold off on..

So that said obviously if we can't stabalise my bp, my protein goes up or bub's growth or fluid etc change this is when the time will come..

So am not going home anytime soon!

Am having scan tomorrow afternoon here at the hospital, this will just be fluid levels and dopplers (blood flow). Ob did say that the ctg I had yesterday was excellent so not expecting any surprises on scan.

Will update after :)

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

Hi Sandy...

It's Kerrie from MISS...

I found your blog through a comment you left on Karin's (I think). I'm sorry to hear you are not in a good way with your pelvic pain, I had it with Matilda but only in the last two weeks, I can't imagine how lousy you must feel from such an early stage. I remember that sitting on the toilet was the only place I felt comfy.

Am right there with you in the pain dept. off to hospital myself tomorrow for a laminectomy & spinal fusion...many years of nursing have finally taken their toll. The surgeon & anaesthetist have PROMISED excellent drugs though. I expect to be out of action for around two weeks. I hope that things continue to do well with this pregnancy and your wee boy arrives safely.

Will check in again when I am able.

Take care, glad to hear to are sleeping better, it's such a bitch not being able to.
