Friday, November 7, 2008

Not doing so good

Short but whingy post ahead..

So much pain, didn't think it could get worse but it has. I can hardly stand, moving is agony. Sleep is non existant. Cried myself to sleep last night, just wish I could have more than panadiene. Managed to get 3 hours straight sleep then that was it.

Am starting to get pins and needles in my toes, don't know what thats about.

Shannon being great.. Just held me whilst I sobbed, he so wishes he could do something, so do I.

He is at work this morning, had to go for a meeting. Today is Laci day home, but she is so far being great. My house cleaner is coming in about 10 minutes, she will be here for 2 hours.

Shannon only has 5 more weeks of work before his 9 weeks off. He is taking one day off a week starting next week to be home with Laci on her day home from daycare.

Shannon not sure I am going to last the weekend at home. I'm not sure either. I want to be here for Laci. But this pain is doing my head in :(

My ob said she could do localised injections of steroids and local aneasthetic, that is looking like something I may want sooner rather than later..

I will get through this, this will be worth it. But crap this is hard!

1 comment:

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

Sandy, this was my pregnancy with Sam. It was just horrendus. They actually admitted me to hospital and tried Endone (to no avail) and sent me home.

It will be worth it. But oh, how I sympathise with you right now. It was simply the hardest thing I've physically ever done.

On a good note - my Drs told me mine was so extreme it could take more than a year after having Sam to settle. It was gone in just a couple of weeks. Hopefully yours will be too.

Thinking of you.