Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ok, so the plan..

So , this morning I put my 24 hour urine collection into pathology. So as long as that result is okay and the bloods I had taken on Monday are okay (I get the results on Friday) then my next ob appointment is not until 25 weeks (1.5 weeks away) This appointment will be general check up and an ultrasound to check dopplers (blood flow to baby) and AFI (amniotic fluid level) then it will be onto weekly appointments at the minimum with all the usual stuff but also with ultrasounds as follows.

26 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI
27 weeks, dopplers and AFI
28 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI
29 weeks, dopplers and AFI
30 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI
31 weeks, dopplers and AFI
32 weeks, growth, dopplers and AFI

then we'll see if I get to 'after that' I guess :)

It was at the growth scan 29-31 weeks with Laci that her growth issues became a concern.. So we will see what is to come..

The other news is that Shannon has been stressing about the amount of work trips he still has to achieve this year. So we made the decision that it is best for him to jam the trips all into just over 3 weeks (still home on weekends) and my dad is coming up to stay with me. This will be from 25-28 weeks. This will reduce everyones stress considerably and Laci just loves her Poppy and can't wait to see him!

Then this will be it for Shannon's travel for the year, he starts 9 weeks leave as at 12th December (I will be just under 34 weeks) unless he needs to stop earlier.

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