Monday, October 20, 2008

26 weeks today and a whinge post

So happy to be 26 weeks today. Today marks 10 weeks at the max till our boy arrives. I can't believe I had Piper at 26.3 weeks.

So the whinge..

Okay brief version..

My pelvis is well and truly crap. I am in so much pain, I can hardly walk, I shuffle. I am having to take panadeine regularly for the pain. I am crying out in the night in pain as I try to move. Getting up to the toilet is so hard as I try to grip onto the window sill etc.. You get the idea.

So this morning I rang up to see about hiring one of those wheely granny walkers, to help me have something to hold on to when get off lounge and bed and walk (shuffle) around the house, it has actually worked out cheaper to get one new off ebay so thats what I am doing.

Is good having dad here helping out thats for sure.

Shannon leaves again tomorrow morning until friday night. Tomorrow morning I also have growth scan and ob appointment so will update after that. Shannon wants me to talk to my ob about hospital admission down the track, I think it is going to come to that before I know it :( Even though I am booked into the public hospital to have bub, am hoping she will agree that if I have to go in because of pelvis that I can go to the private hospital.


Being Me said...

That's a really good idea, a walker off Ebay! Why did I never think of that??? I remember getting to that stage too, oh love I do NOT envy you the agony :( You can't get around it, can't even lie in the one spot for more than a few minutes without the pressure just making even the slightest flinch agonising.

Yeowwwch. Hang in there. I know you know it's all worth it. But it's so hard when you're in blinding pain. Just... hang in there xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Gee that's awful about your pelvis. What is causing it? Can't wait to see the new pics!

B xoxo