Apologies for no posts in quite a few days, really struggling with the all day morning sickness. On Monday arvo I also flew out to Cairns to attend my first high risk antenatal appoinment in Cairns which was yesterday. All went well besides being there for 3 hours which of almost 2 hours was in the specialist going over my history and an immediate plan.
Basically I have started the low dose aspirin again (in the hope of postponing the pre eclampsia and placenta issues I get). They have repeated all my clotting tests and every other test you casn imagine just to check nothing has changed. Only if there is a new diagnosis will they add the daily clexane injections as well. I need to do a 24hour urine collection tomorrow (gotta love those) as a baseline and from about 16 weeks it will be fortnightly! (It was the level of protein in my urine that precipitated Laci's need for delivery).
I also got to have another scan! So cool, dr wanted to check dates etc herself and I wasn't going to protest. She did an internal one and wow it was so clear. I am still smiling :) we could see the chambers of the heart and the little head and even the spine! So amazing at only 7 weeks. Bub measured just perfect too..
The dr gave me some medication called ondensetron in the hope of stopping the constant nausea and vomiting. Today it seems to have stopped the vomiting but the nausea remains and I am oh so tired :(
Part of the tiredness is due to me not being able to sleep, lots of thoughts going around about moving etc. I feel calm about bub, its just all this organising for the move. We applied for a rental place I inspected yesterday in Cairns and should know if successful by tomorrow. Was weird applying for a rental after 7 years in employer provided accomodation. We are planning that we will only be there 7 momths, till after bub and all settled. We will begin house hunting soonish for our first home to purchase :)
Okay, thats all I can manage for now.. Back soon
I'm so impressed by your calm poise and grace, with all that is going on for you ATM and the hyperemesis (?? is that what it's called? sp?) as well.
Beautiful that you got to see your little bub tucked away in there!
Good luck with the application.
You have me smiling now! Wonderful description of your precious little one and I admire you for being able to be so calm!
I hope all goes well with the rental and you can start to sleeeeeeep!
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