Monday, June 2, 2008

Another week begins

Monday morning and the week begins. I'm working Mon-Wed at the moment so its just about time to get organised for the day. Laci very excited about going to daycare for the day, screaming "yay' and clapping. Shannon left at 6am in the work 4WD, off again for a 2 day trip to remote community.

We were certainly blessed with a child who has the gift of the gab, she drives me spare at time though! The backchatting and an answer for everything that and every request to do something or stop doing something is met with "WELL..." we are still trying to teach her that not everything requires a verbal response!

Yesterday we did a bit more sorting for the move, we only have three weekends left so its slowly getting closer. We did some gardening and also went through Laci's room. Not much else was achieved I must admit as I spent quite a substantial amount of time snoozing. The tiredness coupled with the constant nausea is pretty exhausting.

Have decided to get one more bloods done this morning, I know I know, I feel like I just need a little reassurance before the scan on Thursday arvo.. Should have results by tomorrow.

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