I can't believe 3 weeks from today we will no longer live in the bush! After 7 years of remoteness (with only about a 8 month break on gold coast and nsw for Pipers pregnancy and 4 months out for Laci's pregnancy) it will be strange to be living in the 'real world' :)
We are waiting for the confirmation today of our packing and uplift dates, but looks like being Thursday 19th and Friday 20th June. So from then for about a week or more I will be offline. May be able to update briefly from inlaws during that time.
Still no place to live, ha ha. Not too easy to organise a rental when you live 1000kms away. At this stage just thinking a unit, so we can continue towards our goal of saving for our first house in early 2009.
So I have pretty much told everyone about the pregnancy now. Just too excited to keep it in. That and I need some explanation for my lack of energy and poor concentration, in between the dashes to the bathroom! We haven't told the inlaws yet however. My mother in law is a complete stresser, but will also be over the moon to know we have finally managed to get pregnant again. We have decided to tell them in person when we see them next. I will be 10 weeks. I bought Laci a cute little top that says "I'm going to be a big sister" and we will put it on her for when we arrive and see how long it takes for them to figure it out. We haven't told Laci yet, so she won't blab. Should be a nice moment. Have told my sister and relo's over the phone, so will be nice to do face to face.
Oh for those who haven't noticed. I have a pregnancy tracker at the very bottom of the blog to show where I am up to each day.
Yesterday I tried to have a talk to myself about focussing on other things going on around me, study, work, moving, Laci etc so that it doesn't seem like each day of the pregnancy is going forever.. Well that didn't last long.. Thats almost impossible to do with constant nausea, extreme fatigue and multiple bouts of vomiting and dry wretching hey? So back to a day at a time.. Hoping it eases around 11 weeks like it did with Laci.
This entry has taken forever, not really going too well today.. "Is it the weekend yet?" (Laci's favourite question)
Hi Sandy,
was thinking of you today, wondering how you were going with the morning sickness.
What did I miss (and how?)? Where are you moving to?
Heaps on your plate right now! Hope the m/s settles down while the fun and games of moving is going on!
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