Okay apologies for being missing in action these last few weeks, promise to update more now that things are settling down a little.
Basically the biggest things happening for us at the moment is settling in with Griffin at home and also employment issues for Shannon, that and starting from in 2 days time we are pretty much going to have constant visitors until late Feb!
Griffin is doing well, gaining weight well and is now 2.7kg or just 6 pound. He feeds well. Sleeping in the other hand.,.. hmm I would say mostly good..but it started as every second day and has now become most days when he has an unsettled period when he just won't settle :( It vaires from 3 hours up to yesterdays record of 7 hours! You can imagine by this stage he is completely beside himself. We do all the usual settling things, but it just gets to a point where nothing works. Thankfully Shannon is on leave until mid Feb so the stress is halved and with him being a trained early childhood nurse, he stays pretty chilled. Just hope it gets sorted by the time he goes back to work or I won't be so chilled!
Hmm Shannon's work, very very brief version is that he has to find another job (Cairns or Townsville preferred) by mid feb or we have to move back to Weipa :( After 4.5 years there and a total of 7 years remote, we really don't want to do that.
Visitors, well first it is my sister for a week. YAY :)
OKay better go, time to cuddle the boy
Promise to update more soon!
Oh and here is two pics form a few days ago.