Sunday, April 3, 2011


As per usual so so much has happened and I didn't come back here as soon as I promised but here I am!

The basics are that I have been quite unwell for a few weeks now and ended up in the nearest major hospital (2.5hrs drive away) after I developed stroke like symptoms, very scary when you consider my faamily history (will go into that in more detail some other time)...anyhow ended up in the stroke unit (eek!). again super long story cut short, didn't have a stroke (thank god) but my body thought I did and acted like it! I was diagnosed by a great neurologist as having a conditiion known as 'conversion disorder'. you are more than welcome to google it, but basically when you suffer actuye prolonged stress and trauma, your body can manifest it subconsciously into a physical way! Wow what a scare!

I have now just finally been transferred back to local town to rehab unit to learn walking etc. most young people fully recover :)

please ask away if you would like more info but i could ramble on forever!

Tomorrow I will update how my little boy Griffin (now 2.5) with mod-severe cerebral palsy went with his first botox injections in leg muscles and hip xray, wasn't all great news, but we're trying to remain positive :)

till next time, Sandy xx

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Back for good, I hope!

Well, that was a big and very eventful break from blogging! I updated some events on the timeline over on the right. Gunna take a while for readers to catch up, but then I'm sure any blog readers have forgotten all about me and I've been pretty active on facebook so thats satisfied me (and readers a bit) :) But I thought this might be better to get a bit more of my thoughts out. Life certainly hasn't panned out how I thought it would!